01 November 2008

Stella - Four Weeks!

Stella is approaching her one month birthday. Since our last post, Stella has:

- spent an afternoon asleep on Noel's belly
- Pete's Mom (Stella's Ma mère) has arrived for a four week visit
- had a Halloween visit from her friend Miriya
- went out to brunch at Deus Ex Machina
- and we caught a big barf on video


Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...


Looks like Mom's having a good time.

I forgot that Mom has to be "mamere" to Stella too. You can spell it as one word and without the French accent (so it doesn't literally say "my mother" in French). Slightly less pretentious that way too :)

Claire said...

I've been waiting for pictures of Stella with your mom....glad you didn't disappoint. Looks like a lot of fun.

Courtney said...

That is priceless. Glad to see everyone is having fun. Keep the pictures coming.

Monica said...

Love the barfing. Miss you guys!

Redstink said...

She obviously thinks the camera is her "mother".