09 April 2009

Eat, play, play, play, sleep

Stella is 6 months old! Her biggest accomplishment by far is that she can now sit up on her own. She falls often but for the most part does not seem to mind that much. She is also on the road to crawling, absolutely raring to go, but can't hold her weight with her arms yet. She is a complete wiggle worm and will only sit still for books (which she loves) and the Baby Einstein Van Gogh video. Speaking of books, she is turning pages and lifting flaps (with a little help from us) and clearly has a few favorites (Rainbow Colors Peekaboo and Maisy Likes Driving). Now that she can sit up properly, she has a whole host of new toys that she can play with. Her favorites are her doggie house, a collection of stacking pots, and a footstool that serves as a drum on which to bang all of the other toys. She still loves her old favorites (baby ipod and Sophie) but does NOT love them hanging above her where she cannot grab them and put them in her mouth. All things must be tested in her mouth.
She is so much more aware of people and things around her. She stares at strangers and reacts immediately with smiles, wiggles and giggles to people she knows. She has also learned to appreciate Peekaboo, which is loads of fun and can be seen on one of the videos below. The other videos are of her sitting up and playing in the park, giggling to "Mary Had a Little Lamb", and playing with daddy. There are also loads of new photos.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Stella is the cutest thing ever. It is almost freakish to see a baby so small capable of sitting alone!